Hey Loves, this time there is a valid reason for not putting out an updated post on my current perfume selection, believe it or not, my perfumes can last me a long while.....the expensive ones that is and I'm not one to switch up my perfumes for every season. I just really wanted to share with you a little backstory behind the brand and each...
Hey Loves, I decided to bring back the monthly My Top 6 Instagram Posts, hopefully, I will be a little bit more consistent with this one (she says), let's just hope for the best and see where it takes us. Instagram has been an on-off love affair for me and probably for most people. There can be without realizing it a certain pressure...
Hey Loves, This post has been in draft for what feels like ages as time has freakishly been racing by this year! I did contemplate whether I should go ahead and publish it because it was a while back, but, revisiting it I think it is worth sharing especially for anyone who does live in or around Kuala Lumpur and happens to be...
Hey Loves, well this is a trend I have secretly (until now) been umming and ahhing over- The chunky trainer, man repellent, ugly dad sneaker, whatever you wanna call it what do we think, what do I think? For the most part I do feel the need to put this out there that It has become extremely hard to judge these types of trends...
Hey Loves, this is a long overdue post following a poll I did a couple of months back on my Instagram Stories asking if you wanted an updated post on My Go To Apps and you all responded with 100% YASS, so finally, here it is! Similar to my last Go To Apps post, I won't include the obvious ones like Instagram, Facebook and Twitter and...
Hey Loves, it is that time of year again where H&M bring out another Conscious Collection. There was huge controversy with H&M at the beginning of the year which I am sure most of you are fully aware of and a lot of questions about how sustainable they actually are?! This is something I do struggle with especially living in Asia seeing the effects...
One of the standout colour's that I can guarantee we will see a whole lot of this Spring/Summer 2018 is Lavender! When it comes to Fashion and those Lavender hues I automatically think bridesmaids dresses, prom etc, all very formal occasional wear, but seeing how designers have introduced Lavender to everyday easy to wear items like Blazers, Knits, blouses, full-length trench coats and...