
My New Norm Update - Week 11

June 04, 2020

Ah, where to begin, I don't even know how to start this post how to translate what is in my head on to "paper" a lot is swirling around. It doesn't feel right for me to start this post without acknowledging what I've been sharing on my socials all week and will continue to do so until justice is served. To put things into perspective, I started writing this post a few days after a black man from America named George Floyd who let's not sugarcoat this, was brutally murdered by four police officer's in broad daylight. There are so many emotions attached to this; one of helplessness and just pure outrage from the continuous racially-motivated attacks against Black communities every day and there being absolutely no accountability, even when the offence committed has been filmed for all eyes to see, it is simply heartbreaking.

One thing this has provoked within me on a conscious level is to really think long and hard about what I can do especially as a WOC moving forward in this blogger space and the wider world. No matter how small or big, what impact does my day to day choices have on my community, what changes do I want to see? I don't want to become numb to this. I can't ignore the blatant disparities in this world. I don't want to continue seeing and reading on the news another racially-driven death, there is in no doubt, a shift needs to happen. On a side note to this, a gentle reminder to anyone out there who has seen the video and most likely triggered by it; do not feel bad if you need to take time out especially for those of us who are still in lockdown due to COVID19 and can't help but keep checking our socials even if it's an hour in the day to do your favourite exercise, bake a cake, go for a walk (if you can) or read a book and most importantly, stay connected to your loved ones. Let’s keep each other lifted, as this is not going to be an overnight struggle. Therefore, we need to make sure we are keeping ourselves mentally and physically healthy in order to continue forward.
Sending you all, Love & Light.
Following my last post Trying to fit into My New Norm, we are now on day 78, week 11...Wow, who would have thought at the start of all of this we would still be here, crazy times! The Malaysian government has since eased off on some of the restrictions we can now go for walks outside, some shopping malls are open and small businesses we have definitely seen within the last week a lot more people out and about, I guess like us trying to have a piece of normality back.
Back in April, this little guy gave us some excitement in the day we live in an apartment on the 14th floor so how this frog got on to our balcony has been a mystery and we have no idea where he disappeared off to, thankfully I can confirm our cats never got to him first.
My husband makes this delicious roasted pepper salad which his grandma used to make and his mum still makes, we have been eating a lot of this during lockdown with fresh bread from the bakery, for the most part, we have been cooking at home that way we get our greens in.
Ok so the story behind the plant; This plant started growing out of nowhere on our balcony I took a photo of it and sent it to my keen gardener mum to ask her what she thought it was, she then was adamant this plant is a desert rose I'm lucky to have it grow naturally on my balcony and I must pot it straight away....which I did, I can now say my dear mum takes it back this is not a desert rose we still don't know what the hell I've potted and I have a weird feeling It's a weed, anyway, I have left it in the pot on the balcony, it's still growing and maybe if any of you happen to know, please feel free to share below.
A full moon on a very cloudy night.

Over the last couple of months I have attended two zoom Birthday parties, Ramadan has been and gone and in the middle of that was mine and my mil birthday. The photo above is the beautiful flowers I received and the vase in the middle was a Bday gift from hubby, it was an emotional week full of blessings.
On the first day of Eid, we went round to our friend's house for a lovely lunch then we were supposed to go to the supermarket after but once we saw the mad queue going in we took a detour instead and headed into town. As we were driving past river of life I had to get out, there was hardly anyone around it was clear blue skies with the sun shining down and I got to check out all the amazing new wall murals, a simple but undoubtedly perfect day.
I can still say I don't have a routine, I like to go with how I feel on that particular day which has honestly been refreshing the only downside to that is you don't always get ish done which needs to get done if you know what I mean, however, apart from that I've kinda grown used to this new way of living it will be very strange when we have to go back to what was once "normal" life again.

Since writing this post all four Police Officers have now been charged in the case of George Floyd's murder, to keep updated on this and to find out ways you can support by donation, signing petitions, volunteering and sharing please check out:

Keep Safe

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