
Ras Al Khor Wildlife Sanctuary محمية راس الخور

During my trip to Dubai this past December, by chance, I had the awesome opportunity to visit Ras Al Khor Wildlife Sanctuary which is a protected area just outside the centre of Dubai and with perfect timing I got to observe their star attraction, the magnificent Flamingoes in all of their pink glory. The flamingoes retreat here during the migration winter months due to the...

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Body Care

My Top 3 Natural Deodorants

When I decided six years ago to change from your standard drug store deodorant to a natural deodorant I'm not gonna lie it has been a struggle to say the least, over the years I have bought, tried and tested all types of natural deodorants from roll on's to spray's to that crystal stick (which does absolutely nothing for me) and now since I moved...

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My Best Nine 2019

Hey Lovelies, I know it's a lil corny doing "Best Nine", for any of you who may be wondering what is this Best Nine malarkey she's going on about there are apps/websites which work out for you over the year your top nine most liked photos on Instagram. I do post on Instagram quite a bit maybe not as consistent as I would like to, however, all the...

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