
Fresh Starts & Catch Up

February 09, 2019

Hey, Lovelies it has been a long while since my last post which to be totally honest was partly purposeful which I will explain in more detail below and the other part being super busy at work. I can't quite believe as I'm writing this we are almost half way into February (What!) which is slightly late for me to wish any of you reading this a Happy New Year nevertheless, I do hope you all had a fab one. January for me seems to have been a complete washout, as my friend put it; January was a test run, a try now buy later kinda thing, unfortunately, there is no guarantee and you won't get your money back but, HEY February is the real start to the New Year so let's bring it on!

Why I have not posted anything on my Blog for a while- Since my last couple of posts and even before that I’ve really been struggling with my blog, not so much about creating the content but more on a conscious level. Over the last 4-5 years being based out here in Malaysia It has given me this huge opportunity to travel more, to visit other parts of Asia which I most likely wouldn't have been able to do if I was still living in London, for that alone I am continually grateful and will forever have these wonderful memories etched in my mind.  The other valuable piece I have gained from living in this part of the world aside from endless amounts of vitamin D and a much bigger body from all the yummy food is my knowledge and awareness when it comes to climate and environmental issues which have grown immensely like so many other people I know.  For some time now I feel like I've been at a tipping point where I actively need to do more than sign a petition, share an article, a retweet, of course not to say I'll stop doing those things because it's important to get the message out there far and wide in whatever capacity. I found a lot of last year was spent being overwhelmed with all the worlds problems (Climate change, animal welfare, palm oil industry, war, waste, Brexit, police shootings....) including my own, rather than simply breaking it down to a level where I can easily focus on the areas in my life that I do have control over and not waste any more energy or time in places that don't serve me, then just maybe those small changes I make in my day to day life no matter how insignificant they may seem in the grand scheme of things could potentially have a bigger impact on a global scale, if we are all doing our part collectively. That being said, with these small life changes I am moving towards it does mean I want to take greater care to be more conscientious with the type of blog posts I am sharing and what impact it could have.

My plans for the Blog going forward- Mmmm well, I do have oodles of ideas I just need to take a moment to think about how I can relay all of those ideas from my head into a blog post?! I don't want anyone to think I'm doing a complete 180 here as my love for fashion and beauty hasn't changed it's more about what and how I will share it, therefore If you happened to have read this far and have any suggestions on the types of blog posts you would be interested in please do share them below or email me, that would be greatly appreciated :).

A shameless not so shameless plug- In the meantime for anyone that is curious on my whereabouts and what I've been up to in the interim do feel free to go check me out over on my Instagram where I have been the most active and which I may also add is another reason as to why I have not been consistent on my blog because ya girl over here is unable to do both consecutively.....there's just too much to think about!

I am not the greatest at conveying the message but I do hope all that I've written somehow makes sense and resonates with you. Again, like I mentioned feel free to comment below, let's have a discussion on things and share our thought's and ideas.

Till next time

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