
Maybelline Eraser Eye Concealer in Nude- First Impressions

Hi lovelies back again with a Beauty review. This time I wanted to do something a little different where I will be giving you my first impressions of a product. These are the types of posts I get really excited about and love watching beauty vlogs on it as sometimes first impressions can determine how we feel about a product. If you like this style...

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Fashion Friday Fix- Womens Modest/Muslim Fashion Inspiration

Diajeng Lestari, CEO, HijUp Hi Lovelies how is your week going so far? Any exciting plans for the weekend? I will try to take it easy this weekend as the next couple of weeks are going to be super busy. We have a few friend’s travelling in to KL at different times so really looking forward to that!! Today I decided to do...

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Soap & Glory One Heck Of A Blot- Review

Hi Lovelies it has been a while since I last posted and apologies again for my long absences on here. With all good intention I do truly try to keep on top of it all as blogging has been this awesome outlet for me to share my thoughts and opinions with you all on my little finds, fashion inspirations and travel. With starting...

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London Fashion Week 2016- Indonesian Designers HijUp

Hi my lovelies hope you are all having a good week so far and looking forward to the weekend like myself, I am going to sleeeeeeeeeeep! I am not sure if you have noticed a difference in this post (for my regular visitors) I have changed the font…Ta dah! I get it’s not a massive change but you know when you just want...

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