
Fashion Friday Fix- Womens Modest/Muslim Fashion Inspiration

March 18, 2016

Diajeng Lestari, CEO, HijUp
Hi Lovelies how is your week going so far? Any exciting plans for the weekend? I will try to take it easy this weekend as the next couple of weeks are going to be super busy. We have a few friend’s travelling in to KL at different times so really looking forward to that!!

Today I decided to do a short post and a sort of continuation on from the last #fashionfridayfix I posted which relates to Modesty/Muslim Fashion; London Fashion Week 2016- Indonesian Designers Hijup

One of my board's on Pinterest (which I can't get enough of) is a collection of Muslim/Modesty fashion looks. I created this board ages ago and it has become my most followed board thus far. So below I am sharing with you some of my favorite fashion looks from that particular board of young women around the globe who have managed to combine their love for fashion whilst keeping within their faith.


Dina Torkia

Dian Pelangi

Photo Credits; Pinterest.com

I hope you have enjoyed this post and found some inspiration in these looks. 
I do understand we all have our own interpretation on what it is to dress modestly and that's why I have tried to share a variety of looks. 
If there is anything else you would like me to feature in future Fashion posts I would love to get your feedback in the comments below.
Till Next Time

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  1. Pretty. Yep, found some inspiration in these looks. I could use some of these styles ;)

    1. That's Great to hear! Even though this is an old post, I do still love all the looks and how they have styled their outfits x



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