
Fashion Friday Fix - Ranti in Review

June 05, 2015

Hey Lovelies,

Gosh!! Cant believe we are here again, the weeks seem to be whizzing by! How has your week been? Any plans for the weekend?

I have been trolling the internet recently (sounds stalkerish!), searching for creative/inspiring, Fashion related blogs, Fashion labels etc, for my #fashionfridayfix. I came across this young lady, Ranti, Nigerian born, previously studied and now resides in the US. I "love, love, love" her fashion looks!

Going through Ranti in Review blog posts, I found, her style to be feminine, yet slightly masculine at the same time. Most of her looks are minimalist, but just by her adding accessories mainly a cute pair of heels, cool shades and "to die for" handbag's she has immediately up't her game!!

Sharing with you all, some of my favourite looks from Ranti in Review;

Hope you have liked this week's #fashionfridayfix and feeling a little inspired:) What is your favourite look, from this post? In my current mood, my fave look, would have to be the last picture. Living in a hot climate, flat sandals is a "must". 
Please, feel free to comment below, let me know what you think and also, if you have any suggestions for my #fashionfridayfix posts, would love to hear from you!
Till next time


You can click here Ranti In Reviewto keep up to date on her Fashion journey, or, click here facebook/rantiinreview, to follow her on Facebook:).

Photo Credits: Ranti In Review

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  1. I love her outfits. I havent come across her before until I saw your post. First time visiting your blog too :D


    1. She has got great style! I am happy you have discovered her here and me;) I just had a look at your blog, I love the layout and content!! I will connect with you on G+ x

  2. beautiful captures =)

    1. Thanks Antel, happy to hear you liked the post. I will have a look at your blog, as I see you are a Fashion Blogger! x



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