
A Saturday Afternoon in Putrajaya- Malaysia

June 09, 2015

Hi Lovelies,

Hope you have all had a good start to the week!

I was supposed to do a different post this week, but, having some technical problems with my camera!doh
Instead, I am sharing with you all, A Saturday Afternoon In Putrajaya, which I visited for the first time, last weekend. I am "hoping", it will be a useful post, for those of you, that live in Kuala Lumpur and fancy getting out of town for the day!
Kuala Lumpur, has been unusually wet, for this time of year, so, there were parts of the day, It rained and was mostly overcast throughout. Just make sure, you have your brolly (umbrella) on the ready, if you are planning to visit, within the next couple of weeks!

Putrajaya, is a City, about 25km out of Kuala Lumpur and is home to Malaysia's, Federal Government Offices.


First Stop; Fruit Juice! One thing I have learnt, living in Malaysia (same for most Asian countries) you will never go hungry, or thirsty for too long!! Literally, every turn you make, there is a fruit, juice and food stall's set up, on the side of the road, in a market, a park and so on!haha I never tire of the markets here and can I just say, the "fruit" here, is out of this world!! It is so sweet and full of yumminess!! Psst...apart from Durian, I'm sorry to say, I "cant" stand the smell or taste and YES, I have tried it;).

Seri Wawasan Bridge

Perbadanan Putrajaya

You do notice, when going around Putrajaya, like Kuala Lumpur, the Islamic influence in the architecture. There are some pretty "awesome" buildings to view here!

Perdana Putra
Putra Mosque

The road leading up to Perdana Putra, you can not miss this view. Overlooking Putrajaya Lake, is Putrajaya's famous pink Mosque "Putra Mosque"

Putra Square

Our last and final stop, we arrived at Putra Square, which is a mass open space, facing Perdana Putra & Putra Mosque. In the centre of the square, there is a green area, with exotic flowers and trees, which adds some colour, to the sandy concrete landscape.
Lined up, by the square, you can hire a "Twizy" to tour round town. This was the first time, I have EVER seen one and it looks like it would be a right laugh!! What a unique and exciting way, to view a city!

Finishing off the post, with a photo of "moi", got my Asian pose on point!!

Have you visited Putrajaya, or planning to go? Oh! and if you have any other, out of Kuala Lumpur day trip, recommendations, would LOVE to hear from you!
Please feel free to comment below, all feedback welcome:)
Till next time


Info on Up & Coming Events in Putrajayahttp://www.ppj.gov.my

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