Hey Lovelies hope you are all having a fab week so far. I have been extremely busy at work and am currently prepping for an important exam urrghhh hate exams but apart from that nothing else exciting happening my end. Anyway something to take my mind off work and exams....getting organised well at least trying to as anyone that knows me well can...
Hey Lovelies back here again with another Fashion Fix. This week I have decided to Jump on the Off Shoulder and Cold Shoulder top bandwagon….as you do. Whilst stalking the stores in Kuala Lumpur for the perfect Off Shoulder top for my summer hol’s I found ZARA to carry more of those style tops it’s just one of those things that Zara is...
Hey Lovelies as mentioned in one of my previous posts My Spring Accessories Wish List for 2016 I had recently spent a relaxing weekend on the Island of Langkawi which is a small Island off the mainland coast of Malaysia. It was kind of a last minute decision to go as Malaysian Airlines had some bargain deals going on and on top of that we...