
Daily Diary- Hutan Lipur Kanching, Malaysia

February 25, 2016

Hey lovelies hope you are all having a good week so far?! I have had a hectic start to the week but I guess better to be busy than sitting around twiddling my thumbs.

Speaking of thumbs I had booked myself in for a mani & pedi pamper session on Tuesday because my nails were looking kinda crusty (my husband’s words not mine;) that is certainly one of the benefits about living in Asia that I have taken full advantage of, as I could not even tell you the last time I got my nails done in the UK.....it was that long ago!

Anyway moving on I really wanted to share with you my hubby and I's day trip to this huge waterfall located in the middle of a forest just outside of Kuala Lumpur. It is called Hutan Lipur Kanching and it roughly took us about 40-45mins by car from the centre of Kuala Lumpur.

It is a 7 tier waterfall uphill hence me showing you a lovely pic of me in my trainers above.  

We only made it to 3 pools of the waterfall because our feet, legs, arms and anything else that is attached to our body just couldn't go any further and one look at those steps above was enough to call a time out.

Maybe next time, or the time after that, or the time after that when the fitness levels are up we will make all 7!!

We went on a weekend which is of course the busiest time to go and the pool above was one of the busier ones. 

We spoke to one of the guards when leaving and he advised they do open during the week so if you do plan to visit I would recommend to go then or go really early on the weekend.

Before we followed the path leading up to the waterfall we crossed a flat green area with a small stream running through. There were lots of families dotted about having their picnics so if you are not up to trekking through the forest you could always find a shady spot to chill and dip your feet in the stream.

hey hey!!

  • Wear appropriate shoes if you are planning to trek through the forest.
  • Carry a bottle of water to keep yourself hydrated.
  • Bring a towel if you are planning to take a dip.
  • Sun Lotion

For more info:

Have you been to this waterfall and managed to make all 7 pools?? Oh and would also love to hear your recommendations for any other cool spots you think are worth checking out in and around KL.

Till Next Time

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