
One Day Road Trip- Gombak, Malaysia

January 25, 2016

 Hi my lovelies hope you have all had a good weekend. Here in Malaysia we have been enjoying a nice long weekend due to Monday being a bank holiday. The weather recently has been absolutely divine, clear blue skies, a slight breeze and not too humid hence the reason that we have been trying to make the most of it.......and why am I sounding like a weather reporter right now?!

Yesterday which was a Saturday, we woke up and thought lets just take the car go for a drive somewhere with no real plan in mind which I think is sometimes the best plan of action. I have found when we have had days like that we always discover a new and exciting place. I highly recommend everyone to do this, be spontaneous! Life is way too short and a day like this hardly cost us anything, just a bit money for petrol and snacks.

The area we were in is called Gombak. It took us roughly about 30-40mins drive out of the city, Kuala Lumpur. 

We found a group of monkeys on the side of the road....so if you are ever in the area remember to take some bananas.

Alang Sedayu
We saw a sign post titled Jungle Lodge, Alang Sedayu and followed the road down to this river in the photo above. Apparently if we had continued on that road which will eventually come to an end, you can park up and then go for about a 40min hike until you arrive at a waterfall. Unfortunately for us it was already late in the day, so we have made a mental note of this place for next time.

Standard Car Selfie

Excuse the no makeup look...there is no point of even attempting to wear makeup when one is in the jungle;). 
What do you tend to get up to over a bank holiday weekend? Have you been to Alang Sedayu and how did you find it? would love to hear from you.

Till Next Time

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  1. Although this post makes me a little jealous your blog is lovely and so I nominated it for a Lovely Blog Award.
    https://champagneinateacup.wordpress.com/2016/01/25/one-lovely-blog-award/ Dara xx

    1. Thank you so much for your lovely comment, for taking the time out to read my blog and nominate me Dara! I am feeling the love over here, I will be sure to go over to your blog and check out your post x



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