
My Recent Beauty Buys

July 01, 2015

Hi Lovelies,

Hope you have all had a good start to the week?!

I am not one to always splurge on makeup and beauty products, but I did notice where I have been travelling quite a bit this year, I had made a few beauty purchases along the way. Funny enough, they are all new products, not ones that I ever used before....I am stepping out of my comfort zone Shock Horror!
So, below I am sharing with you all My Recent Beauty Buys and giving a little feedback on how I am finding them so far.

Kevyn Aucoin-The Sensual Skin Enhancer

When I was back in the UK, I popped into Space.NK with my sister and we came across Kevyn Aucoin The Sensual Skin Enhancer. I had been looking for a new concealer for some time, something to use instead of my go to Bobbi Brown. Kevyn Aucoin The Sensual Skin Enhancer is SUPER pigmented, so the tiniest amount goes a long way. I liked how it brightened my under eye area  and covered up the darkness. I cant lie it is pricey and more than I would "ever" want to spend on a beauty product, but the pay off is A-mazing. It comes in a 18g jar, so where it is highly pigmented and you only need a teeny weeny amount, it will last you AGES! On the box, it does state you can also use it as a foundation and corrector, but I prefer to use it as a concealer. I use it as part of my everyday makeup. Love!
Link www.spacenk.com

Sephora- Beauty Blender

I had been umming and ahhing on weather to purchase one of these, as I have been happy thus far applying makeup with either my fingers or my makeup brushes. In the end, I caved in and  bought one from Sephora and...........well...lets just say I'm happy I didn't purchase the original Beauty Blender. I haven't got anything bad to say about it, maybe I need to practice using it a little more to get the technique right. I haven't seen a great deal of difference in using this or my makeup brushes, but I will keep you updated on this one, if I change my mind and feel it has made a significant difference in my makeup application.
Info: I bought this one from Sephora in Kuala Lumpur, I cant find any links for this product I'm afraid.

Rimmel- Kate Lipstick in Rossetto Rouge (107)

I have not bought anything from Rimmel for, I don't even know how long!! I heard lots of good stuff about the Kate Moss Rimmel lipsticks and was looking for a new lipstick to update my makeup look. Can I just say "WOW", this lipstick is such a beautiful colour, the pigmentation is on point, it is a matt finish, last's a good few hours and only cost me "£5.49". I wish I bought more! I would say, this particular colour would suit most skin tone's, it is like a berry red colour. Love!
Link www.boots.com/en/Rimmel

Mavala- Double Lash

I don't want to say too much about this product Mavala Double lash, as I will be reviewing it shortly for you all! I know I am "extremely" late on the Lash growth serum craze, it's just that I always had my doubts and was not willing to go all out on paying lots of money for something that may not work. I then came across this product in Boots, it is affordable, easy to apply and I liked that it is a multi purpose product, as well as your eyelashes you can also apply to your eyebrows too!
So, stay tuned for my review;)
Link www.boots.com/en/Mavala

Acca Kappa- Body Lotion & Natural Lip Balm

These two products by Acca Kappa I did not purchase. It actually came in a airline toiletry bag that I was given on one of my flights! I have seen the name before, but have never thought to try their products. The Body Lotion is Green Mandarin and has a gorgeous scent, my skin seems to absorb it as soon as I rub it in, leaving it soft to the touch. The Natural Lip balm I have been using everyday as part or my morning routine. My lips can get really dry, especially living in a hot country where you are in and out of air conditioned rooms. This product contains Jojoba Oil & Sweet Almond Oil, so it leave's my lips feeling nice and  moisturised. If I had to purchase myself, I would probably re-purchase the lip balm, I do like the body lotion, it's just that I am happy with what I currently use.

Essie- All in One Base Coat & Cocktail Bling Nail Polish
I have been using Essie nail polishes for some time now and was on the hunt for a new colour. I wanted a neutral tone (not pink or cream) and came across what is described as a pale grey colour. I like the subtlety of it against my skin tone and again, I think it is a colour that would suit most skin tones. This has been my go to colour recently and easily goes with my outfits, Love it! Whilst in Boots where I purchased my Essie Nail Polish, I saw they also do a All in One Base Coat, which I was in need of, so I thought why not give it go! To be totally honest, is is not the best base coat or Top coat I have ever used. I prefer to use Leighton Denny or OPI. But definitely thumbs up to Essie Nail Polishes!
Link www.boots.com/en/Essie-Nail-Lacquer-Cocktail-Bling

Have you used any of the products I have shown here? and if yes, how do you find it? Or is there something else you have bought recently that you would recommend? Would love to hear your comments below.
Till next time


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  1. I agree on the Rimmel Kate Lipstick because I have one too.
    Really a worthy purchase ;D


    1. I'm glad you agree, I have been so used to purchasing high end lipsticks, so was completely blown away by the quality of this lipstick at such an affordable price! Thanks for your feedback and I will head over to your page x

  2. Is it a one colour suits all for the Kevyn Aucoin concealer? I'm terrible at finding my colour match with products (prob because I have no patience and I have been given bad advice from make up counter ladies in the past) and so tend to look for these types of products, even if it means spending a bit more. Pericone MD is a skincare brand that has a few make up items, a 'no make up' foundation and concealer which are fab. Ever heard of it? Xx

    1. Hi Lisa, the Kevyn Aucoin does come in various tones, so it would be a case of finding the right one to suit you. I totally understand what you are saying, it can get very frustrating when you are looking for the right colour match with concealer's and foundation's. One thing I have started to do now, is when I am trying on concealer/foundation in the shop, I try to find natural day light and have a look then, as it can look dramatically different from the artificial lights in the shops. I have never heard of Pericone MD, I will have to look that up!! Thanks you so much for the feedback and telling me about this brand Pericone, it's always good to hear about other brands x

  3. Hello my friend how are you today..? keep in touch from INDONESIA.



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