
Mavala Double Lash- Review

July 08, 2015

Mavala Double Lash

Hi Lovelies,

How is your week going so far?! I feel like I haven't blogged in a while! I have been having a few problems with my laptop which have been slowing me down on my posts but hopefully, I will get that all fixed soon!

So, as promised my Review on Mavala Double Lash, for those of you that have not heard of this brand before it is made in Switzerland and are most popular for their nail care. They brought out the Double Lash as a multi-purpose product to help with eyebrow and lash growth. 
"It contains proteins and natural active ingredients which strengthen, cover and protect the lashes allowing them to become healthy, long and resistant".

How I discovered Mavala Double Lash, I like to get my eyebrows threaded and where I had been staying with my mum for a bit, I went to an eyebrow threading place different to the one I usually go to...BIG mistake! For some reason, the lady got thread happy and my left eyebrow ended up sooooo much thinner than the right! I needed something to help my eyebrow grow back quick smart as it was "not" a good look! My sister told me about this product Mavala which they sell in Boots, so I thought for only £13.00 might as well give it a go! 
There were mixed reviews on this product and from some of the reviews that I had read, they said it could take up to 8-10 weeks to see results. I have been using it for just over 2 months now.
Mavala Double Lash Applicator

I loved the idea of an easy application (can't do with anything time consuming and messy!). I applied it every night on clean skin, I brushed it through my eyebrows and eyelashes. The substance is like a serum base so glides on easily and there is no smell to it, which is a plus!

Now we get to the nitty gritty of it. It did take some time to see regrowth in the eyebrows, I would say about 6 weeks or more and the eyelashes seemed to produce faster results. In roughly about 4 weeks my eyelashes felt thicker, not necessarily longer, the length came later and that took roughly about 6-8 weeks. Unfortunately (silly me) I did not take any before and after photo's of my eyelashes to show you, Sorry people!

Would I recommend this product? Yes, why not! It is affordable, easy to apply and multi-purpose. The downside is, you need to be consistent with the application, the key is patience if you want to see results.

You can find Mavala Double Lash here;
John Lewis
Look Fantastic

Do let me know if you have tried Mavala Double Lash and how did you find it, plus feel free to share any other similar products that you would recommend in the comments below.

Till Next Time

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  1. Eeeek sorry to hear that the lady over threaded your eyebrows! Every single time I get mine done I am petrified they wont turn out right! I have really short and sparse eyelashes! I am going to try this out and fingers crossed it'll help!
    Life of Lala

    1. Yes, it can be very scary putting your eyebrows in someone else's hands! If you do try out, would love to hear how you get one. If it is just for your eyebrows, you can also use a natural oil which is Rosemary Oil. I had been using that for a couple of years previous and that definitely works on the eyebrows. Good Luck x

  2. I've heard castor oil helps both eyebrows and eyelashes but it's a bit messy. I never used it long enough to see a difference tho. I need to use something, Preston has longer eyelashes than me! 😌

    1. I'm sure Castor Oil would work, as I used to use it on parts of my hair where it was thinning out from wearing it to tightly in bun.....but definitely way too messy!hehe I'm not sure if they sell this product in the States. There is other brands you could try like Lilash and Rapid Lash that you might find there and the reviews are good on those! Cant have Preston having longer lashes than you;)



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