
Lets Talk Kindle- Review

June 15, 2015

Hi Lovelies,

Hope you all had a good weekend?!

Today, I am going to review Kindle, which had been given to me as a present recently. I had a few requests on this, after seeing my post What is in my Hand Luggage

I know for most of us that enjoy reading books, it has been a slightly hard sale. To make that leap from browsing your favourite book stores, to the feeling of holding a hard/paperback book, sifting through the pages, whilst trying not to get a paper cut. To then, simply swiping a screen, on this electrical devise and making online purchases of your favourite books, from the comfort of your own home.

The latter, does sound too good to be true, but it is! Don't get me wrong, I will still be purchasing "real" books, as there are certain books, which I want to keep around the house for sentimental reasons. But for the majority, it has made my life so much "easier" to keep all my current reads in one place and if I'm honest it has got me back into reading! The last couple of years I have been travelling sooo much and it has always been the thought of carrying books around with me, weighing down my suitcase, when I could use the "extra" kilos for my clothes and cosmetics, which take priority!
Plus, added books means added clutter. After moving 2 times in the last 3yrs, I am not about that clutter life....well, I'm trying not to be (she says).

Kindle Touch 3G (D01200)
So, you can imagine how happy I was to be given a Kindle! I know mine, is not the latest version out there, but, I am perfectly happy with it and it does the job:). 

It didn't take me long to work out how to use it, the menu is self explanatory and before I knew it I was able to maneuver my way around it with ease! Once I registered my Kindle to my Amazon account, which was pretty straight forward, I was able to start making those purchases!

It fit's nicely in to my handbag when travelling, and hardly takes up any room!

I would definitely recommend Kindle to anyone! It is easy to use, light weight and compact. All I need now is a cute cover for it;).

Have you got a Kindle? or, are you thinking of getting one? Would love to know your thoughts on this. I am currently reading Children of the Revolution: A DCI Banks Novel by Peter Robinson. I like my thriller/crime detective stuff. 
Please feel free to comment below, all feed back is welcome:)
Till next time


Kindle can store up to 3000 books.
Free cloud storage for all Amazon content.
A single charge lasts up to two months with wireless off based upon a half-hour of daily reading time.

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  1. so practical and so hated at the same time, I will always prefer the smell of my book pages but have to admit this so practical when traveling and for daily use un the subway trying to adapt myself to it ugh!


  2. Yes, you are so right! I have many friends that have not been able to give up a "real" book. But, I guess for a lot of us, in the kind of lives that we lead, having something like a Kindle, makes going about our day to day life a little easier. We will get used to it eventually;)

    Thank you for your comment x



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